Grupa Škart

Artists, poets, designers… Dragan Protić - Prota and Đorđe Balmazović - Žole tirelessly strive to combine work with pleasure.

Škart is a collective founded in 1990 at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. While experimenting with their work, they focus primarily on the mediums of poetry and design. Whatever the project, they manage to design it with their unique poetic style, full of local quirkiness and vernacular quality.

"Architecture of human relationships" is their main concept. Through the constant flux within the collective, present since its very beginning, members collaboratively work to develop new values. It is their particular mastery to embrace 'beautiful' mistakes in the working process, and they strive tirelessly to combine work with pleasure. Two principal members are Dragan Protić – Prota and Đorđe Balmazović – Žole.

© Škart Coupons, 1995 “Your Shit, Your Responsibility”, street action, 1999 Logo for 'Ring Ring Festival', 1999 Books published by 'Radio B92'